Excited for the new…
Last year was kind of crazy. Ok, not kind of. Last year was crazy. I think 2020 will be a year we will all remember. In all honesty, our daily routine here didn’t change a whole lot. Matt’s job stayed constant and since we have been a homeschooling family for 9 years, we just continued what we were doing. However, our homeschool co-ops changed a bit. Our trips to the library became non-existent (except for the drive-thru). Our time spent with extended family was minimized. Church looked a little different. Fear was present where we didn’t think it would ever show up. Anxiety soared. Tempers flared. Division was rampant. We tried to make our lives here as normal as possible, but despite our best efforts, normal looked different.
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a new year. There is something refreshing about a clean slate. Newness. Possibilities. Goals. But with that, I still have my flaws - lack of discipline is close to the top of the list. I really wish I was better at completing things. Reaching goals. Motivation. I didn’t inherit that trait. My mom is the most disciplined person I know, but I’m the opposite. Thankfully I married a man who sees my potential, pushes me and keeps me accountable.
One of the things we have committed to do this year is go to bed earlier and get up earlier. We are both night owls. I enjoy the quiet after the boys are asleep. I enjoy curling up on the couch and watching TV a couple of times a week. (For example - it’s 11pm and I’m writing and Matt is installing a toilet. This is our life.) Despite this, he will set his alarm for 6:15am. When it goes off, he will hit snooze and one of us will eventually wake up enough to get things moving. We’ve learned that if we don’t spend time in the Word and exercise before our day starts, it won’t happen. Along with that, we have challenged each other - and our two oldest boys - to read through the Bible in a year. We’ve found a plan and are working through it. I’ll keep you posted on how that’s going. He’s already behind and I’ve had to stack a couple of days. (Please feel free to help keep us accountable.) It’s hard to find quiet around here, but that goes back to getting in bed earlier and getting up earlier. We’ve both found that if we are prepared for our day before our kids get moving, we are totally different parents. That’s definitely a positive thing.
I’m also excited about potential projects we’ve been talking about and working toward. Currently, there is a mini bathroom makeover happening downstairs in the boys’ room. I’ll be sharing that with you soon. Our master bedroom makeover is next. That wasn’t actually in the works until I found some great deals after Christmas. I can’t wait to share my bedroom rug story! I’ve had our current bedroom suite since I was a sophomore in high school - 26 years. It’s a great set, but it’s just too big for the space, so we will be selling that and simplifying a little.
Also - we are planning some DIYs. I’m going to attempt to create a sliding box to hide our TV and I’ll take you along on that adventure. I’m hoping to talk Matt into building new tables for our living room. I’ll also share some of the projects we’ve completed already. A lot of the content will be on Instagram, so be sure to follow along there.
Twenty twenty one is a year full of possibilities. Even still, it’s going to require planning, motivation, discipline and accountability. Let’s make it the best one yet.
What would you like to see here? Are there any projects you think we should tackle? Is there anything you would like for me to share specifically about who we are or how we do things? Please let me know!